That’s right, my friends. You can save money on your electric bills. There are a lot of things you can do that don’t take a lot of effort, but can really make a big impact when that bill comes through! This post with 10 ways to save on electric bills is brought to you by our friends at Suave.
1. Turn DOWN your heat. I know, I know, I like being warm too. But by lowering the thermostat just a few degrees, your savings will start adding up fast. My kids are used to having an extra layer on during cold months. Besides, this is a good reason to snuggle up on the couch with a soft blanket!
2. Get insulated curtains. They’ll keep the warm in and the cold OUT.
3. When the sun is shining, open the curtains. Let that light in so it can help warm the house! An added bonus of this is that you can have a brighter house for a bit. That always brightens my mood 🙂
4. Wash laundry in cold water, not warm. Most fabrics don’t need it, and I promise you, most anything you wash can’t feel the difference.
5. Exercise OUTside. Oh, yes, it’s cold. But going for a walk outside doesn’t cost a penny of electricity
6. Charge your devices in the car. I’m totally serious. Rarely do we charge things in an outlet here at our house, and we haven’t for years! We charge as we drive- no electricty used.
7. If you aren’t using it, unplug it or turn the power strip off. The TV and game systems, BluRay, etc are all on a power strip. No one uses them during the day, so they are off most of the time. We’re not using them, so why pay for them to be on?!
8. Cook once, eat twice. Roasting a chicken? Buy a larger one and cook it- the next day, shred the leftovers for a chicken salad with some bread. No cooking (less clean up too) and no electricity used!
9. After you use your oven, leave the door ajar to warm up your kitchen. Shutting it just wastes what you heated already!
10. Buy any 3 Suave® products and get $5 off your utility bill!
How do you do this?
- Buy any 3 Suave products at Walmart
- Snap a photo of your receipt, and email it to Go to for details and instructions.
- Receive $5 to pay towards your water, hear, or electric bill.
What are your tips to save on electric bills?