You’ve been running your blog for a while now and it’s something that you’re clearly passionate about, but so far it’s simply been a hobby. However, you’ve seen other bloggers with similar sized blogs talking about how they’re ‘monetized’ their sites and have transformed them into mini businesses, bringing in a regular monthly income.
You love the concept of turning your blog into a business but you just don’t know where to start or whether your blog even has the potential to be a successful business. Don’t worry, you’re not alone in feeling this way – every blogger feels like this when it comes to monetising their sites and learning what it takes to make an income from their blog. Here are some tips from a guest writer for making your blog more than a hobby.

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Photo credit: Pixabay
The good news is that turning your blog into a money making machine is far simpler than you might think, it’s just a case of taking a few well thought out steps first. Wondering what these steps are? Have a read of the tips and ideas below!
Enhance your blog’s design and layout
One of the first steps to consider when it comes to starting to earn from your blog is to think about the design and layout of your site. Ask yourself whether it could be time for a redesign. If your blog hasn’t been redesigned in a few years, it might be worth overhauling it before you start to monetise, just to ensure that your site looks as good as possible. Remember, when it comes to working with brands, your blog and its design is ultimately what sells, so it’s important to get it right. Figure out how to set UP a blog if you don’t already have one!
Get smart about social
One of the key steps that you need to take in order to monetise your blog is to get smart about social. This means taking steps to make sure that when it comes to your blog, you’re utilising social media in a highly effective way. If you don’t already have a regular posting schedule, it’s a good idea to take the time to put a posting schedule in place. It’s also important to think about how you can source opportunities for paid work via social media, such as following hashtags like ‘#BloggersRequired’ and ‘#BloggersWanted’ on Twitter. By following the right hashtags you can source plenty of paid work via social media.
Reach out to PRs
Another great option for sourcing paid blogging work is to reach out to local and national PR agencies, sharing your blog’s media kit and asking about whether there may be any opportunities to work together now or in the future. If you’re going to work on product review pieces, having a virtual address, such as from, could be something that it’s worth looking into. By having a virtual address you can ensure that when it comes to receiving PR items or work related mail, it’s kept separate to your personal mail.
When it comes to monetizing your blog, it’s far simpler to get started than you might think, it’s just a case of being willing to try.