What can I say about Aden and Anais Swaddlers, other than GORGEOUS. I fell in love with the design of these swaddle blankets when I saw them online, but when I actually received them in the mail, OH MY! My pregnant little heart went pitter patter. These swaddlers took my breath away, starting with the beautiful packaging. Just look at them! The fabrics are delicious and the patterns are modern and adorable. The swaddlers are sized extra large (47″x47″), much larger than the ones found at chain stores. As you can see, I was even able to swaddle my 2 year old (who thought this was great fun!).
I personally feel that there is no better secret to pass on to a new mother
than the art of swaddling.
My husband became a “baby burrito expert” with our first child. He just loves wrapping those little ones up nice and tight. Not only do babies LOVE begin swaddled, but I find that they are less fussy, sleep better and feel more secure. My baby’s are swaddled for at least a couple of months during the day, and much longer for night time. I always find that my babies outgrow the classic swaddler almost immediately. The standard swaddling blanket is really only intended to fit the newest of newborns. I have even been known to sew 2 blankets together to make a larger swaddler, but the dimensions are never quite right.

I received a sample of this product to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed are my own.
[ad#glam between posts]
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Francine says
-Pattern I like best: mod about baby – frog cozy swaddle
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Since we don’t know what my sister in law is having I choose the Mod About Baby pattern
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I love the wishing star swaddle prints!
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My favorite pattern is mod about baby swaddle
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I think I like the Jungle Jam Swaddle best, but they are all soo cute!
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I like the mod about baby patterns!
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desiree says
I have already liked aden and anais on facebook and LOVE all their prints…especially the jungle jam.
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I like the paparazzi swaddle
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theblackat at hotmail dot com
Kay M says
I love the mela bamboo swaddles, but I love the peacock feather pattern the best!
theblackat at hotmail dot com
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theblackat at hotmail dot com
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Ruth says
I like This Mama Loves Her Bargains on FB. Ruth Jacob
rutheadler at gmail.com
Ruth says
GFC follower.
rutheadler at gmail.com
Ruth says
I like the mod about baby swaddle pattern
rutheadler at gmail.com
Ruth says
I like Aden and Anais on FB. Ruth Jacob
rutheadler at gmail.com
Rachel says
also commented on your Kids Frugal Fun-bird feeders post
Rachel says
also commented on your Eating at restaurants with small children post
Rachel says
also commented on your “Cars 2 Featurette- want a sneak peek?” post
Rachel says
also commented on your “Printable Coupon for Driscoll’s Berries” post
Rachel says
also commented on your “The MUPPETS are coming (back)!!” post
Rachel says
tweet 2:
Nikole H. says
tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/MissOsMom/status/72401434271956992 ngiraldi at gmail dot com
Amanda Alvarado says
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/Dolphin4176/status/72398450557329408
Amanda Alvarado says
Shared on Google Buzz: https://profiles.google.com/111684864425616588992/posts/5PvV14LVcYh
Amanda Alvarado says
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Amanda Alvarado says
Follow on twitter – dolphin4176
Amanda Alvarado says
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Amanda Alvarado says
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Amanda Alvarado says
I love the super stars swaddlers
Amanda Alvarado says
Like Aden & Anais on FB – amanda alvarado
Rachel says
D Schmidt says
Daily tweet
Rachel says
tweet 2:
Nikole H. says
tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/MissOsMom/status/72128310590705664 ngiraldi at gmail dot com
Nikole H. says
subscribe to your emails ngiraldi at gmail dot com
Nikole H. says
follow you on twitter ngiraldi at gmail dot com
Nikole H. says
like you on fb ngiraldi at gmail dot com
Nikole H. says
follow you through GFC ngiraldi at gmail dot com
Nikole H. says
I like the mela bamboo swaddles best. ngiraldi at gmail dot com
Nikole H. says
”Like” Aden and Anais on Facebook ngiraldi at gmail dot com
Melanie Morin says
email subscriber
Tara says
”Like” Aden and Anais on Facebook
Rachel says
D Schmidt says
Daily tweet
Tamara says
email subscriber
wazzuroo at gmail dot com
Kristina S says
I shared on twitter http://twitter.com/happymama28/status/71808026742493184 klsiegler at gmail dot com
Tamara says
gfc follower
wazzuroo at gmail dot com
Kristina S says
I tweeted http://twitter.com/happymama28/status/71807681148628992 klsiegler at gmail dot com
Tamara says
like a&a on FB (Tamara Solheim Yancy)
wazzuroo at gmail dot com
Kristina S says
I subscribe to the RSS Feed klsiegler at gmail dot com
Kristina S says
I like This Mama Loves Her Bargains on facebook (kristina.severson) klsiegler at gmail dot com
Kristina S says
I follow This Mama Loves Her Bargains on twitter @happymama28 klsiegler at gmail dot com
Kristina S says
I follow the blog via Google Friend Connect klsiegler at gmail dot com
Kristina S says
My favorite print is Alpha Bit klsiegler at gmail dot com
Kristina S says
I like Aden & Anais on facebook (kristina.severson) klsiegler at gmail dot com
JulieK says
Email subscriber!
JulieK says
Twitter follower @ayearwithmomdad
JulieK says
JulieK says
FB fan!
JulieK says
GFC follower!
JulieK says
Love the Organic Star Struck pattern
JulieK says
Like A&A on FB (oh I have been DYING to get my hands on some of these! :))
Melanie Morin says
FB fan of your page
Melanie Morin says
GFC follower
Melanie Morin says
My favorite is the organic pure swaddle
Tandra A says
ssqueakert at aol dot com
Tandra A says
Subscribe to blog via email with ssqueakert at yahoo dot com
ssqueakert at aol dot com
Tandra A says
Follow u on Twitter
name: ssqueakert
ssqueakert at aol dot com
Tandra A says
like u on facebook (tandy ahrens)
ssqueakert at aol dot com
Tandra A says
follow publicly via GFC (ssqueakert)
ssqueakert at aol dot com
Tandra A says
i like the mod about baby swaddle!
ssqueakert at aol dot com
Tandra A says
”Like” Aden and Anais on Facebook
(tandy ahrens)
ssqueakert at aol dot com
latanya says
latanya says
follow you via google reader
latanya says
I follow you on twitter as @sweetums82
latanya says
I like your fb page as latanya t
latanya says
GFC follower as latanya
latanya says
i like the alpha bit pattern
latanya says
I ”Like” Aden and Anais on Facebook
Rachel says
Following you via Email Subscription
Rachel says
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Rachel says
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Rachel says
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Rachel says
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Rachel says
tweet 2:
Rachel says
I love the star bright prints-especially the big dots and the star prints in the collection
Meliya says
I like aden + anais on FB (Meliya Harris).
Melanie Morin says
”Like” Aden and Anais on Facebook
Jennifer says
I follow you on twitter! (kennedie0605)
Jennifer says
I subscribe via email!
Jennifer says
I like you on facebook!
Jennifer Smith Stewart
Jennifer says
I follow via GFC!
Jennifer says
I like the Star Light pattern!
Jennifer says
I like aden + anais on facebook!
Jennifer Smith STewart
D Schmidt says
Shared on Facebook (D Schmidt)
D Schmidt says
D Schmidt says
Email subscriber
D Schmidt says
Follow you on Twitter (mummytotwoboys1)
D Schmidt says
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D Schmidt says
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D Schmidt says
Visited their site and my favorite pattern is mod about baby swaddle
D Schmidt says
Like Aden & Anais on Facebook (D Schmidt)
Rachel says
Rachel says
I ”Like” Aden and Anais on Facebook (Rachel P)
sarah shult says
email subscriber sheshult@Hotmail.com
sarah shult says
follow you on twitter @sarahshult sheshult@hotmail.com
sarah shult says
like you on FB Sarah S sheshult@hotmail.com
sarah shult says
follow you via GFC gwmhssarah sheshult@Hotmail.com
sarah shult says
Like aden and asais on FB Sarah S sheshult@hotmail.com