Sometimes we’re chasing the ball. At other times, we’re holding it. Or to put it in other terms, sometimes it feels like we’re pushing a stone up the hill, at other times, we’re standing on top of the mountain, surveying the view. While there’ll always be days when we’re going quite with it, we should strive to ensure that those days are the exception, not the rule. In this blog, we’re going to look at a few key tips for ensuring that you’re always feeling at your best, each and every (well, almost) day.
And the best part? None of these things require significant levels of investment. If you incorporate all of the tips from a visiting author below, then you could find that you’re significantly transformed your life. Give them a try!
How To Feel Your Best All Day, Every Day
Rest Well
There’s a big difference in our productivity and all-around mood when we’ve slept well and when we haven’t. If you feel well-rested, then you’ll be able to attack the day with gusto. In this day and age, more people than ever before are finding it difficult to get a full night’s rest under their belt. If you’re one of those people, then take a look at your overall sleeping routine. Are you using technology before hitting the hay? Are you drinking caffeine late in the afternoon? People think that getting a good night’s sleep is one of those elusive, unattainable goals, but it’s not — you just have to work on incorporating good habits into your lifestyle.
Positive Beginnings
How you begin your day will have a big influence on how the rest of the day pans out. Sometimes, you wake up and you’re just in a good mood. But you can’t rely on that, because it’s not generally something that you can influence. The good news is that your initial mood doesn’t have to stick around too long — you can move past it within a few minutes. How? By thinking positively. Many people swear by mantras, and they have been shown to be useful, but if that’s too much for you at this stage, then no problem. Simply deciding to make it a day of positivity can do wonders for your mental health.
Work Up a Sweat
When you wake up, it’s unlikely the first thing you’ll want to do is pull on your running shoes and head outside to jog. You might be tempted on a beautiful Spring morning, but the rest of the year? It’s unlikely. However, there’s a lot of value in overcoming your initial resistance. Working up a sweat is one of the best things you can do in the morning. By the time that you return home to prepare yourself for your work, your body will be flooded with endorphins and you’ll feel full of energy. It’s a surefire way to get your body up to speed with the day.
Calming the Mind
Exercising will take care of working up your body, but you should also pay some attention to your mind, too. It’s all good and well having a lot of energy throughout the day, but if your mind is in turmoil, then it’s not going to be a great day. A lot of people are feeling the stresses and strains of the past year (and more), so it’ll be understandable if you’re not feeling as happy or thrived as you have done in the past. To get back to where you want to be, you might need to look at doing things you’ve never done before, such as meditating. There can be many, many benefits to spending ten or so minutes sitting quietly in a chair, just counting your breaths.
Cold Showers
If you’re exercising and meditating, then you’ll be well on your way towards feeling great throughout the day. But there is one extra thing you can to really turbocharge how you feel: take a cold shower. We know, we know, you might think that sounds awful, and the truth is that it is awful. But only when you’re actually in the shower. As soon as you get out, you’ll feel a rush of euphoria throughout your body, and you will be completely energized. This can also significantly improve your mental health, too. We say: just give it a try, once. No-one who shows the inch of bravery needed to get into freezing cold water for 45 – 60 seconds ends up regretting it once they’re out.
Healthy Breakfasts
You already know that you need to eat well. Everyone does! But simply understanding “I must eat well” isn’t going to help you all that much. To make it a big part of your lifestyle, you’ll need to think about why it’s worthwhile eating well — you’ll have more energy, you’ll look better, and you’ll be slimmer and trimmer. Perfect! So make sure what you’re feeding yourself is going to push you forward, rather than hold you back. Salmon, oatmeal, and avocado are all great breakfast foods. Eating healthily is one of the most effective tips for great digestive health, too, so along with giving you the energy you need to make it through the day, you’ll find that it’s aiding your insides, too. Plus, who are we kidding, salmon and avocado for breakfast? Delicious.
Get the Mind Working
All of the tips we’ve looked at so far have been things you can do in the morning before you leave to work. But what about when you’re on the way to the office? This is a time of day that people dread because let’s be honest, who likes to sit in bumper-to-bumper traffic or on a crowded subway? You’ll already be in a better mood than 99% of the people around you if you’ve done all the things we’ve so suggested. Why not take things further and use this time effectively? Listening to a podcast is one of the best ways to spend your commute, because it’ll get you thinking about big ideas, or you can just use it to learn something cool and interesting.
One of the things that brings people down is when every day begins to feel the same. In recent times, with so many things closed, this has begun to feel like most people’s daily experience. A podcast is an easy way to break up the norm and stimulate your mind while you’re doing something that you have to do anyway (travel to work).
Handling Problems
Of course, even if you do everything on this list, there’ll be times when you don’t feel as well as you could. The body will do that to you sometimes! It’s always worthwhile having some emergency medication in your bag just in case. An aspirin will clear most things up! Or if you know you have specific problems, such as gout or regular heartburn, then packing some pills to help with those conditions will be worth their weight in gold.
Break Up the Workday
Finally, remember to break up the workday. One day where you’re just in the office isn’t going to be all that day, but if that’s every day, then eventually you’ll run into problems. An easy way to get around this issue is to break up the workday by going for a walk or a cycle. You won’t always feel like it, but it’s worthwhile forcing yourself to do it, because it can have a big impact on your day. You’ll get bonus points if you’re able to explore somewhere with trees, such as a local park, during your lunch break. Following these tips can help you feel your best all day, every day!