I wet the bed until I was in fourth grade. My parents tried everything they could- limiting fluids, waking me to pee at night- everything. My oldest had wasn’t fully night trained until she was 5 1/2 years old- she day trained at 21 months. I was told by more than one medical professional that until my child was dry at night and during the day that I could not say she was truly potty trained. I beg to differ. I also explained to them why I disagreed and respectfully asked them to educate themselves on my way out the door. (Politely).

No “babyish” designs for bigger kids- THANK YOU GoodNites!
Understanding where Potty Training ends and Bedwetting begins is crucial to finding the right solution for your child.
5-7 million children wet the bed in the United States according to the National Kidney Foundation – that’s more than the number of children who entered kindergarten in the United States in 2011 according to the U.S. Department of Education. (I always thought I was one of few with this problem. Turns out, nothing could be farther from the truth!)
95% of both boys and girls are potty trained by age four but 40% of parents say their child between the ages of 4 and 6 wets the bed at least once a week. (I’ve always believed that bedwetting and “night training” are totally separate of potty training)
GoodNites® Underwear are 40% more absorbent than the leading training pants and are specially designed to protect while lying down, to help protect pajamas and bedding, helping kids get a better sleep and wake up feeling ready for school. (My daughter has always been a very heavy wetter. There’s no training pant that was absorbent enough to keep her dry, and even if there were diapers that could keep her dry, I can’t imagine making my 5 1/2 year old wear a diaper just to stay dry– we need products like the GoodNites for bigger kids!!)
Finding a solution that works for your child is SO important. Educating ourselves about bedwetting vs. night time potty training is also important. I’m almost thankful that I’d been a bedwetter as a kid, because I felt like maybe I could understand more what my daughter was feeling. Some nights, she’d be in tears promising she’d wake up and not wet the bed. It was awful. She wanted it so badly, but like her mama, she’s a very heavy sleeper with really vivid dreams. Not conducive to waking up and getting to the bathroom on time.
Save $1.50 off a pack of GoodNites at Target!
Check out what Janel from A Mom’s Take thinks about this same topic!
One winner will win a Be Educated Kit (pictured above) that includes fun, educational activities and products for your child and a sample pack of new GoodNites Underwear with new designs from Marvel or Disney. (Exact styles may vary)
“GoodNites® provided me with a pack of GoodNites® Underwear and a Be Educated Kit to conduct a reader giveaway. However, my opinions on the product are entirely my own and I have not been paid to publish positive sentiments towards GoodNites® or their products.”
Fiona N says
I learned that 1/9 kids wets the bed every night!
shirley zolenski says
I learned that 1 of every nine kids wets the bed.
Jessica Beard says
I entered the Closetmaid giveaway.
Gina Ferrell says
I learned that Goodnites specially made to protect while lying down, they help keep pajamas and bedding dry all night long and feature plush comfort with a discreet design.
nannypanpan says
entered red barn canvas
Jessica Beard says
Entered the Little Chef’s Project giveaway.
Fiona N says
I learned that “using disposable underpants may allow the child to attend sleepovers or host them at his own house, without fear of embarrassment”
Snomee has changed the way we give gift cards #giveaway
Fiona N says
I also entered the Snomee has changed the way we give gift cards #giveaway
Thanks for the chances
nannypanpan says
entered whole foods
Stacy says
I learned that one out of nine kids wet the bed!
Jessica Beard says
Entered the Secret of the Wings giveaway.
Jessica Beard says
Entered the True Blood Halloween Swag Bash Giveaway!
nannypanpan says
entered candy construction
Jessica Beard says
I commented on the Hidden Vally Ranch post 10-22
courtney b says
i learned its important not to drink a lot before you go to bed
Jennifer Rogers says
Bed wetting for girls usually does not last long once they are potty trained! I raised three girls and have three granddaughters. Pretty much the same for all!
Jessica Beard says
Entered the Red Barn Canvas Discount & Giveaway
nannypanpan says
entered snomee
Angela Hartness says
I entered the Learning Resources Candy Construction Set Giveaway.
Angela Hartness says
I was happy to learn that 1 out of 9 children wet the bed. I know i am not alone.
Cristy R. says
1 out of every 9 kids wets the bed!
Cristy R. says
Entered the Sonomee giveaway!
Jessica Beard says
Entered the Whole foods giveaway.
Lena Naef says
I learned that 1 out of 9 children wets their bed.
Cheryl W says
I learned that Bedwetting is a sleep problem and not a behavioral problem
Cheryl W says
entered the Snomee giveaway
Jessica Beard says
I commented on the post: Kids Frugal Fun-Family Hand Print Art
Gianna says
1 out of every 9 kids wets the bed.
Denise Taylor-Dennis says
I learned that somewhere between 5-7 million children ages 7 – 12 years old still wet the bed at night
Jessica Beard says
Entered the Snomee has changed the way we give gift cards #giveaway
kimberly schotz says
I learned the children learn at their own pace
Jessica Beard says
Entered this giveaway: Brandi Chastain and Libby’s Snack Duty Takeover Program Give Back#LibbysSnackDuty (Giveaway)
Jessica Beard says
I entered the Monster High Scavenger Haunt at Walmart Oct 18-21 #ScavengerHaunt #Giveaway
bonnye sensenig says
Responding negatively to your child’s wetting can damage self esteem and can even prolong wetting.
nannypanpan says
entered britax
nannypanpan says
i learned sometimes its genetic
Jessica Beard says
Entered this giveaway: We are getting so excited for Halloween! #KmartHalloween
rebecca williams says
My daughter has been more difficult to potty training, I think because of her milk intolerance. I was hard for me to learn that some many accidents happen.
Jessica Beard says
I commented on the recipe post: Happy Fall, Y’all! Pumpkin Recipes to delight your tastebuds!
Jessica Beard says
Dinner in a Pumpkin
Jessica Beard says
commented on this recipe
Maryann says
I learned that each child learns at their own pace
Maryann says
Entered the candy construction giveaway
Jessica Beard says
Entered the Candy construction giveaway.
Yesenia says
I entered the Candy Construction from Learning Resources giveaway!
Jessica Beard says
Entered the Progresso Recipe starters giveaway.
Susie B. Homemaker says
I learned that 72% of kids who wet the bed will outgrow it by the time they’re 11.
Jessica Beard says
Entered the Lynda.com Year Membership giveaway.
sandra says
i learned children with adhd are more likely to wet the bed
sandra says
i’ve found each child learns at their own pace
Jessica Beard says
Entered the Waverly and the Magic Seashells Giveaway
Jessica Beard says
Entered the Kick some RASH! With Boudreaux’s Butt Paste giveaway.
Sarah Davis says
I entered flatout wraps.
Dree Getz says
I entered the Kick some Rash giveaway
1 out of every 9 kids wets the bed.
Tabathia B says
entered waverly giveaway
Jessica Beard says
Entered the Mod Straps giveaway.
Mary Williams says
I learned that using GoodNites for a child that has night time bedwetting can give them a boost in confidence.
Mary Williams says
I entered the Flatout giveaway!
Liz B. says
I learned that 1 out of 9 kids wet the bed.
Devon Franco says
I learned that 1 out of every 9 kids wets the bed
Devon Franco says
I entered Kidorable hooded towel giveaway
Devon Franco says
I entered Kidorable hooded towel giveaway
Jessica Beard says
I entered the Kidorable towel giveaway.
jason smith says
Bedwetting is an older kid thing vr potty training. Bed wetting is very common.
Lisa Rossi says
Goodnites help kids keep confidence. If they go it will be in the goodnite so no one will know or judge them. Which is great because I have two special needs kids.
Diane L says
Not looking forward to potty training.
Tabathia B says
I learned that
1 out of every 9 kids wets the bed
Tabathia B says
entered britax giveaway
Colleen Maurina says
I learned and agree that some children sleep so deeply that they miss the signals that they have to go to the bathroom.
Colleen Maurina says
Entered your Kidorable giveaway.
Jennifer says
I had no idea how many kids still have accidents!
Robyn Galloway says
I learned that I child can be “potty trained” and still wet the bed!
Jessica Beard says
I learned that is it very common and 15% wet the bed after the age of 5.
Jessica Beard says
I entered the Flatout Flatbreads giveaway.
Jessica A says
I didn’t realize just how many kids have night time wetting problems!
Meri says
Yes, nocturnal bedwetting is very common. Often times it is due to deep sleeping. I recommend the Malem alarm if your child becomes older.
Works great and quickly.
krystal Howell says
what an awesome giveaway to help parents and kids out!!
mary barton says
this prize would be so helpful with my twins x
Sarah S. says
I learned that 1 in 9 children still wet the bed. And not all are going to be night trained at the same time. It depends on a lot of things like the size of their bladder.
Amanda Miller says
We have begun daytime training for my 2 year old but I have not even told her about night time training… it’s just too soon. However, I do worry about night time training and bedwetting. This would be a great educational pack for us!
Janet W. says
I learned that many children stay dry at night by age 5, but still bedwetting is an issue for 15% of children.
Janet W. says
I entered Kidorable Hooded Towel.