Parenting Teens: Parenting Then and Now
This post is sponsored by the Center for Parent and Teen Communication. All opinions (and memories!) are my own.
Parenting THEN
Patiently sorting a new LEGO set by color, shape and size, shouting with excitement every time a new option came into your sight. The hesitation when meeting a new classmate, and the giggles when you realized that this was a kindred spirit. The “I do it myself” we heard ten to twenty times every day as you struggled to be so independent. You were this inquisitive, sweet, baby faced toddler with big eyes that showed all of your emotions, and I always wondered if I’d see it when the baby roundness left your cheeks, and your “adult features” settled in. You needed me, in so many ways, even at your most independent moments.
Parenting NOW
It’s funny how you sat as a toddler and sorted by colors, shapes and sizes, all on your own- and how just yesterday, with newly rediscovered art supplies, you sat and sorted them by color and type before deciding what to do with them or where to put them. How still you are a little quiet and reserved when meeting someone new, but upon discovering one of your “people,” the smiles and giggles begin anew. And still, although you do ask for help now and again, you’re always determined to “I’ll do it, I can do this myself.” It makes me proud to see that same determination now as a teen that I saw in that sweet baby face with the big blue eyes. You still need me, in so many ways, but in such different ways now.
The Center for Parent and Teen Communication is a new, valuable resource for every parent navigating the teen years. Check out some of the advice and info you will find in this post ( from the director, Dr. Ginsburg.