Tips for Exercising at Home and Supporting a Healthy Immune System
From getting rid of hip dips to building muscles, gaining balance, and losing unhealthy fats, there are numerous benefits you can gain from exercising at home. More importantly, exercising at home can support a healthy immune system. This is especially more essential today that we are dealing with the coronavirus infection that affects the immune system.
A study was published in 2019 in the Journal of Sport and Health Science. It was targeted at finding out the effects of exercises on the immune system. According to the study, exercises ensure the mobility of immune cells that can fight inflammation and pathogen. These cells will reduce the impacts of aging on the body and also get rid of harmful bacteria in the airways and lungs. Therefore, exercises can go a long way in aiding your immune system.
Given the importance of exercise, what are the vital tips for exercising at home and supporting a healthy immune system? The tips from a contributing author are highlighted below:
Be determined and consistent
When you are exercising at home, you are likely going to deal with numerous barriers, especially if you don’t live alone. But if you are not consistent in your exercises at home, you may never see their benefits. Therefore, you need to be determined to exercise at home regularly.
Generally, it is recommended that you have a schedule for exercising at home. You should have a detailed plan to exercise at least 5 times every week. By having a schedule, it will be easier for you to stay motivated to engage in the exercises regardless of how busy you are.
Start small and improve your exercises
If you want to build muscles, lose weight or gain other benefits of exercises as soon as possible, you may want to start big with your exercises. Unfortunately, this will not help you as you may put too many strains on your body. Over time, this could lead to injuries or sores.
So, you should rather start small. This allows you to create an easy-to-follow routine for exercises that you can perform at home without any issue. Your exercise routine can start with about 5 to 10 minutes. After some periods, you can increase the duration and intensity based on how your body reacts to the exercises.
Prioritize bodyweight exercises
For most individuals, gym equipment is the major barrier to exercising at home. However, you shouldn’t let this excuse hold you back from enjoying the best of exercises in the comfort of your house. So, you should use bodyweight workouts. These workouts are easy to adapt and don’t require any special equipment. With a towel, map, or resistance band, you can start exercising at home to boost your immune system.
Get creative with DIY equipment
You don’t have to stick to only bodyweight workouts as you can get a few pieces of equipment. Basically, you need to get creative by using some of the items you already have at home as DIY workout equipment. For instance, you can utilize a gallon of water in a jug for goblet squats or bicep curls. There are several other options that you can consider.
Spread your exercises across the day
If you are always busy with work, school, family, etc., it may be quite difficult to use 30 minutes or more at once for exercises. Fortunately, you can spread your exercises across the day. Assuming you want to exercise for 30 minutes a day, you can start with a 10-minute walk in the morning. Later in the afternoon, you can do some squats, push-ups, etc. for 10 minutes. Then, complete the daily exercises at night before going to bed.
By spreading your exercises throughout the day, it will be easier to achieve your daily target.
Prioritize recovery
When exercising at home to support your immune system, you must ensure that your body recovers. Full recovery will play a powerful role in making sure that your body is ready to continue the exercises. Some of the best strategies for full recovery after exercises include relaxing, sleeping for at least 7 hours every night, eating balanced diets, and taking lots of water.
Find the right resources online
Whether you are looking for the best bodyweight exercises or want to learn about how to schedule at-home exercises, you can get any information online. You just need to dedicate some time to finding the right resources on blog posts and weights. Additionally, there are numerous videos on YouTube and other platforms that can show you everything you need to know about exercising at home.
Furthermore, some personal trainers often host workout sessions on Instagram Live, Zoom, Facebook, and other platforms. So, you can join one of these sessions to get more information about how you can exercise at home to support your immunity.
So, follow the tips above to exercise at home and support your immune system.