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Are you on a weight loss journey? How are you doing?
At long last, here are my 2 friends from Nutrisystem- Pound (#10 lb bear) and Commitment (#20 lb bear) – with a nice big water bottle that is never far from reach – unless its being washed, and then I have another one close by. Pound and Commitment are ready for a new friend and I need to get back on track and stay focused with my goals!!
Last week, I just realized, my post stayed stuck in draft mode and never went live. It wasn’t pretty. I gained 2 lbs. So this week that meant I had to work really hard not to just get back on track but to get those gained pounds OFF of me!!
I wasn’t perfect- had some stuff going on and as usual- when I get upset or unhappy I turn to junky foods. Although in typing this, I’m realizing that obviously I didn’t turn quite so much to junk as I’d thought, because when I stepped on the scale this morning,
I was DOWN 2.4 from last week. Which means I’ve lost 25.7 lbs total. I have a long way to go, but I FEEL like I’m healthier and setting this example for my kids will hopefully make an impression on them.
I’m kind of excited- maybe silly to you- but there’s a new breakfast item coming soon for Nutrisystem- Southern Style Biscuits ‘n’ Gravy! They have also added Butterscotch Pudding in the snacks section- yum!
Want to see more of how Nutrisystem is working for others just like me and you?
All products have been provided to me free of charge as a selected blogger of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program. All opinions are 100% mine and no monetary compensation was given for my opinion.
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heather says
You are doing amazing! I am so proud of u!
Keenly Kristin says
Good for you!!! I’m doing NSNation, too…only in Week 3, but I’m happy, all the way around! Congrats and good luck!!!